Deniz Evcimen

Cyclistic Case Study 2

This is a case study in the Capstone Projects Course which is the last step of Google's Data Analytics Professional Certificate. I have previously completed this case study using R and Google Spreadsheets, which you can access here. For the purpose of practicing all of the course tools, this time I chose to use SQL and Tableau.

Scenario: I am a junior data analyst working in the marketing analytics team at Cyclistic, a bike-share company in Chicago. The director of marketing believes the company’s future success depends on maximizing the number of annual memberships.

The company has 3 pricing plans which these are:

  • Single-ride passes
  • Full-day passes
  • Annual memberships

Customers who purchase single-ride or full-day passes are referred to as casual riders. Customers who purchase annual memberships are Cyclistic members. In this case study I prefer to use SQL and Tableau.

I chose to work with sample datasets because of Bigquery's performance efficiency. The dataset has % 98 confidence level and %2 merges of error level. Sample sizes are chosen depending on the Sample Size Calculator Sheet shared with course content. You will find the sample sizes dataset and the queries in the files.

You can skip this section and go directly to the presentation of the study's results. If you are a course student and want to see detailed processes of Spreadsheets you can visit my blog. Also, you can visit my blog content, which addresses the other most common question that was “Is it normal to get stuck during the first data project?”

Data were obtained directly from company records available at:

License to use data is available at:

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